ORIGINAL ZORB® – suggested events

Zorbing without fixed course

The Zorbonaut / Zorbonauts roll around in the flat without a fixed course to their hearts contents. Two people at the same time can run in one Zorb. This variant is actually very popular, especially when two or more Zorbs are in use. The participants love to roll towards each other and bounce off each other with speed. This is possible everywhere. The Zorbing surface can also be easily adapted to the existing possibilities. Zorb events have already been done on 10 x 10 meter surfaces – but of course the possibilities increase the more space is available.



One or more cones are set up, which then have to be rebuilt by the Zorbonaut. This variant is now becoming increasingly popular and can also be performed with just one Zorb.


Long distances

A clearly defined track has to be mastered to add a bit of a competitive character to the playful aspect. However, the route should not be too difficult in order not to exclude anyone. As a rule, this is simply a very light slalom track, for which the cones can also be used as slalom poles. Of course, a race between two teams is exciting. This can be designed as a relay race, or – with two people per Zorb – as a classic team building measure.


Pursuit race

A very special and very sporty variant is a pursuit race, as we have designed it for “Schlag den Raab”. A square or rectangle is staked out (this can be done with the help of the cones) and the two competition Zorbs start exactly opposite each other. The winner is the one who overtakes the other and touches from behind. This is also an incredibly exciting affair for the audience – a very exhausting one for the Zorbonauts. The space requirement for Zorb races is naturally greater; a level meadow or a sports field is ideal.


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