Donwhill Ramp

Donwhill Ramp
For those areas with no natural hills, for downhill zorbing on a beach or in the city we have developed a metal ramp as a substitute for a natural incline. The metal ramp is a 2-ton galvanized construction accelerating the ball – after leaving the ramp it keeps on rolling for another 60 to 80 metres. A real eye-catcher and great fun for the riders. The ramp can also be upgraded to a compact extreme sports centre at very reasonable costs – combined with cli...

John Bennet, Owner

John Bennet, Owner
(Email to an enquirer from Ireland asking for advice) So in answer to your question Ross, yes, there are other ball manufacturers, the best one is based in Germany and trades as “Downhill Revolution”. Their balls are of highest standard & quality, capable of standing up to the riggers of a Zorbing site operation. Their “Downhill Master” balls are the only products we use here on the Gold Coast, Australia and earn our recommendation....


Welcome on the English website of ZORB EUROPE, the premium supplier of high-end products and services for the fascinating activity of Zorbing.  Zorbing is one of the most exciting inventions of the past decade and we from ZORB EUROPE, offer you a superior product range with outstanding and ruling properties for this thrilling activity.  The downhill zorbing experience, promotional zorbing events, company incentives, family days, zorbing shows -

Stand UP Paddling

Stand UP Paddling
Sie möchten Stand Up Paddling einmal ausprobieren? SUP oder „Stehpaddeln“ ist ein schnell und einfach zu erlernender Wassersportart. Du stehst aufrecht auf dem Board und paddelst über den See. Dein spezielles SUP-Paddel tauchst Du dabei abwechselnd auf jeder Seite in´s Wasser und sorgst so für den notwendigen Vortrieb. Bei ZORBSEGS am Seezentrum Wald kannst Du Dir SUP-Board und Paddel ausleihen und lospaddeln. Der Altmühlsee ist ein ideales Revier für dies

Am Altmühlsee geht es wieder los!

Am Altmühlsee geht es wieder los!
ZORBSEGS - Belebnisse am Altmühlsee! Ab Frühjahr 2017 bietet ZORBSEGS wir wieder Belebnisse zu Wassser und zu Lande am traumhaft schönen Altmühlsee bei Gundzenhausen. Zorb® Europe + More 4 Fun = Zorb®Segs Water Zorbing im Original Zorb® und im Zylinder Body Zorbing aka Bubble Soccer  Human Zorb Bowling  Segway-Touren für Groß und Klein  Stand Up Paddling  Kajaks  Firmenincentives, Teambuilding, Gruppenevents  und viele weitere Überraschung